How do we continue to strengthen the research and innovation environment so that it fosters more Nobel Prize rewards in Medicon Valley, Niels Abel Bonde, Chairman, Medicon Valley Alliance, asks in his most recent column in Nordic Life Science News
In the Swedish-Danish life science cluster organization Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA) we aspire to cultivate the life science ecosystem in the hope that we will pave the way for the Nobel Prize laureates of the future. And according to the brand-new “State of Medicon Valley” report from Citeline, presented at the MVA Annual Summit in Copenhagen last month, there is indeed fertile soil to work with.
Student-led organizations such as Synapse Life Science Connect have paved the way and shown that life science talent can be developed within a Nordic and Danish-Swedish framework. Hopefully this element will be acknowledged in the implementation of the new national life science strategies in Denmark and Sweden respectively.