Cross-border Talent BridgeContact person
Strengthening Greater Copenhagen’s life science and tech sectors
The Greater Copenhagen region faces a pressing need for skilled professionals within the life sciences and tech sectors, particularly in medtech, biotech, and foodtech. A shortage of specialized talent threatens the growth and global competitiveness of companies in these industries. As Greater Copenhagen aims to be a leader in these fields, the need to attract and retain highly qualified international talent has become a top priority.
The Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak project “Cross-border Talent Bridge” brings together key players to tackle this talent gap. The project is led by the City of Lund and co-led by Copenhagen Capacity, with partners Ideon Science Park, Medicon Village, Open Tech, the City of Copenhagen, and the Medicon Valley Alliance. Supported by several universities and other organizations, this cross-border initiative is dedicated to strengthening Greater Copenhagen as a globally attractive hub for life sciences and tech expertise.
To achieve its goals, the Cross-border Talent Bridge project focuses on four strategic areas:
- Talent Retention
- Talent Attraction
- Policy Impact
- Cross-Border Collaboration and Strategy
The Cross-border Talent Bridge partners envision a region that stands out globally as an attractive, cohesive career destination for specialists in life sciences and tech. The long-term vision is to develop a cross-border model for cooperation that fosters sustainable talent attraction and retention, helps shift hiring practices (especially within SMEs), and strengthens the entire ecosystem for skilled professionals in Greater Copenhagen.
The project aims to achieve measurable outcomes, such as a steady rise in international talent within key industries, improved retention of skilled professionals, and an enhanced global reputation for Greater Copenhagen. By reducing recruitment challenges and improving retention, the project’s efforts will foster a streamlined environment that supports both incoming talent and the companies seeking their expertise.
Through this collaborative initiative, Cross-border Talent Bridge will help elevate Greater Copenhagen into a thriving, globally recognized center for life sciences and tech talent. The project represents a significant step in enhancing the region’s international competitiveness and creating an environment where companies and professionals can flourish together.
Connect with the project by following its LinkedIn profile.