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Event info
Date:11 Apr
Time:2 Days
Venue:Skandia Neroport, Copenhagen S

Future Healthcare – AD 2030

The Self Care Initiative Europe – SCiE invites you to join a Summit Conference in Copenhagen,

We are gathering to discuss, learn, and share more about the role of self care in future European health – in policies, strategies and initiatives – and the new meanings of care, carers, system and society that this brings.

Date: 11-12 April 2018.
Venue: Skandia Neroport, Kay Fiskers Plads 9, 2300 Copenhagen S
Fee: Single day; 200 euro ex VAT, Both days; 300 euro ex VAT


There is a political interest to shift the attention of the healthcare system from cure to care, and from care to self care at the centre of how we achieve mental and physical wellbeing for those living in the EU. However, much remains to be done to actually implement sustainable policies and practices at all systemic levels and across all health actors.

As such, the first SCIE Summit has defined key objectives, desired outcomes and impact as outlined below:

Themes to be addressed

1. Future Scenarios

  • Towards sustainability
  • How is self care linked to SDGs, economic sustainability of systems, health policies etc? And how should we use it in the future?
  • Towards better care
  • What is the future framework and face of (health) care? How is societal, economical, and digital changes transforming these truths?
  • Towards use of research & partnerships
  • How can stronger research into implementation models and ROI (in QALY or other) transform our thinking – and partnership models?

2. Incentives & Investments

  • In innovation – digital and bio
  • The future frameworks of healthcare innovation – is it actually done by humans? And how can digital best supplement bioscience and vice versa
  • In funding – public and private
  • How can states, funds, municipalities etc. allocate resources best – how might models shape future care towards self care?
  • In law and subsidies
  • Legal frameworks and incentive structures shape our world – but how could/should it then look?

3. Engagement and Self-Care

  • Interdisciplinary and across sectors
  • Are our mindsets ready for full collaboration – or should we look closer at actually connecting the dots and the professionals alike?
  • Consumer/Patient/Citizen interaction
  • How can stronger use of other sectors – educational, media, supportive measures etc. – ensure future citizens become self caring, and the patients of tomorrow?
  • Health in all policies – and places
  • How might other sectors also take part in future care – if hospitals are cure – who are then care or prevention?