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Event info
Date:12 Jun
Time:09:00 - 10:00
Venue:Bornholm, Denmark

Folkemødet at Bornholm

Meet us at this year’s Folkemøde at Bornholm!

Medicon Valley Alliance is once more present at the annual Folkemøde at Bornholm. The ‘Folkemøde’ is an annual reminder that the Danish democracy is worth cherishing and appreciating.

The purpose of the 4 day long meeting is to strengthen the dialoge concenring democracy in Denmark. This is done by creating new surroundings for the decision makers in the business community, interest groups, politicians, EU, municipalities, and regions. This also accomplished by providing the citizens with an opportunity to meet the decision makers face to face.

Together with MedicoIndustrien and Lægemiddelindustriforeningen MVA is co-hosting an event Friday June 12th from 09:00 – 10:00 at Allinge Havn (G17), EHRENBERG.

Dansk life science – vejen til vækst og velfærd
09:00                  Erhvervsredaktør, Jens Chr. Hansen, Berlingske, byder velkommen
09:02                  Stig Jørgensen, MVA, fremlægger hovedkonklusioner fra analysen
09:08                  Jens Chr. Hansen åbner ballet 
09:10                  Lyse levevilkår eller famlende fremtid for life science-sektoren i Danmark?
                            Søren Bregenholt, Corporate Vice President, Novo Nordisk & Chairman of Medicon Valley Alliance’s Board
                             Mads Lundby, cheføkonom hos Cepos
                             Mette-Marie Harild, Vice President, North East Europe for Medtronic
                             Christian Motzfeldt, direktør for Vækstfonden

09:30                  Hvordan sikrer vi de bedste rammevilkår?
                             Thomas Bjørnholm, KU’s prorektor for forskning og innovation
                             Ida Sofie Jensen, koncernchef i Lægemiddelindustriforeningen
                             Peter Huntley, direktør hos Medicoindustrien
                             Lars Gaardhøj (S), formand for Erhvervs- og vækstudvalget, Region Hovedstaden
                             Frida Frost, formand for Ingeniørforeningen

 09:58                 Jens Chr. Hansen afrunder debatten

Read more about the meeting here.