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Event info
Date:21 Mar
Time:09:00 to 16:00
Venue:Ørestad, Denmark

Boost Seminar: Attract Investors and Industry Partners

Building on the success from April’s seminar, Medicon Valley Alliance in cooperation with DNB invites you to participate in a second network meeting on how to attract investors and industry partners to a life science company. At the meeting you will also have the opportunity to present your technology / business plan to any of the cooperating partners in a 1-1 setting.
Future Success
Attracting interest from investors and industry partners lies at the core of most successful life science ventures. In the current funding environment, where there is simply not enough capital available to fund all the promising projects, these processes are more important than ever: Success in creating investor/partner interest is likely to distinguish the future winners from those companies that will not be given the chance to use the full potential of their technologies/products.
Hear Lubor Gaal describe how BMS looks at licensing, Eugen Steiner from HealthCap shed light on the venture capitalists’ point of view, and ex-entrepreneur Øyvind W. Brekke discuss how DNB as a bank can play a role even for early-stage companies.
Following the presentations, you will have the opportunity to discuss your technology / business plan to any of the presenters in 1-1 meetings.

Date & Time: Thursday 21 March 2013, 9:00-11:30 (1-1 meetings until 16:00)
Venue: Arne Jacobsens Allé 15-17, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Room: Auditorium
MVA members free of charge (no-show/late cancellation fee for cancellations later than 14 March: DKK 1.000 ex VAT)
Non-members DKK 1.500 ex. VAT (become a member here)
Will be invoiced prior to the seminar. Fee is not refunded for cancellations later than 14 March.
Register: To register please go to the bottom of this page.


09.00-09.30 Registration and networking
09.30-10.00 Partnering with BMS
Lubor Gaal, Head of Europe, Search & Evaluation, Search Transaction Group, Bristol-Myers Squibb
10.00-10.30 What HealthCap looks for when investing in venture-stage companies
Dr. Eugen Steiner, MD, PhD, partner of HealthCap
10.30-10.50 How DNB as a bank can add value in the pre-commercial development stage
Øyvind W. Brekke, Senior Advisor, Section International Healthcare, DNB
11.00-16.00 1-1 meetings / networking / lunch

In collaboration with

DNB Bank ASA is the largest financial services group in Norway, and the only Nordic bank with an international focus on Healthcare. DNB has a large portfolio of European and US Pharma and Medtech clients who look to DNB for insight into future partnering/acquisition opportunities in the Nordic countries.

Please register by filling in the form below, latest Monday  18 March 2013.
We use the input data as it is written for name tags and list of participants, and the email for further information prior to the boost seminar.