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Event info
Date:13 Sep
Time:8.30 - 12.30
Venue:Ørestad, Copenhagen
Contact person
Mia Ritterband-Rosenbaum

Mia Ritterband-Rosenbaum

Event Manager & PA to CEO

+45 21 63 38 88

Boost Seminar – Partnership Opportunities with one of Canada’s Leading Hospitals

In a rare visit by one of Canada’s leading hospitals, Medicon Valley Alliance and the Embassy of Canada invites you to a boost seminar with Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montreal (CHUM), to discuss opportunities to partner with the hospital on research, innovation and incubation with the hospital and it’s innovation partners.

The purpose of the boost seminar is for MVA members to get connected to CHUM, MEDTEQ+ and Innovatech, who are all in Denmark to learn more about health innovation, clinical research opportunities, and explore collaboration areas. CHUM is also visiting to promote their state of the art Health Innovation District as an ideal location for the life science ecosystem in Denmark and Sweden to look for talent and to discover new opportunities.

This boost seminar is a broad introduction and dialogue with CHUM, the local innovation and ecosystem. It is targeted companies with an interest to explore the opportunities to either partner with the hospital on it’s key research areas or connect with it’s world leading innovation ecosystem like RUISS.

Date: 13th of September, 2022
Time: 8.30 – 12.30
Venue: Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Allé 28, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark – Auditorium



8.30 Registration and Coffee
9.00 Opening and Welcome – Your Canadian Advantage
HE Denis Robert, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark, Embassy of Canada (Invited)
Mr. Michael Willmott, Commercial Counsellor and Senior Trade Commissioner,
9.15 Research and Partnership Opportunties in the Hospital of the Future
Dr. Fabrice Brunet, President & CEO of Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montreal
Get involved in the future of healthcare. In an AI-powered environment, the CHUM and its partners are working together to meet the healthcare needs of tomorrow.
Hospital of the Future | CHUM – Future in Healthcare
10.15 Networking
What is the Health Innovation District, the CHUM and its partners, MEDTEQ+, Université de Montréal, Ivado labs and Linearis are doing in codeveloping, validating the value and adopting health innovation solutions. How do they co-create and collaborate with international companies and partners? Examples of projects using AI to improve health outcomes and create value and how you can be working with these partners.
10.30 Introduction and open innovation model of CHUM and the Health Innovation District
Kathy Malas, Associate to the President & Chief Executive Officer, Pole of Innovation & Artificial Intelligence in Health
Presentation of partners and concrete case studies of value driven innovation and AI developed by an open innovation model
10.40 Université de Montréal
Ekat Kritikou, Vice-Dean of Research and Development
10.50 MEDTEQ+
Sabrina Fettal, Integration Innovation Manager
11.00 Ivado labs
Jack Klejka, VP of Product Management
11.10 Linearis
Alexandre Le Bouthillier, Founder and CEO
11.20  Questions and discussions with audience
12.00 Networking Lunch
12.30 End of Session



Dr. Fabrice Brunet, President and Chief Executive Officer, CHUM
Dr. Brunet is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine since September 3, 2015.At CHUM and CHU Sainte-Justine, he is overseeing numerous modernization projects, including the construction of two new research centres and state of the art academic hospitals for specialized care units with a total budget of CAD $3.4 billionBorn in Paris, Dr. Brunet completed his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine Cochin Port Royal, the University of Paris V. He is Board certified in cardiology, intensive care and emergency medicine. Dr. Brunet went on to complete his studies in management at Paris Business School, Public Health School of Management at Harvard and the University of Toronto. He has extensive experience in clinical research, education and hospital management with numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and chapters in textbooks. His main fields of interest are knowledge management in medicine, learning healthcare network development and improvement in global performance.
Kathy Malas, MPO
Kathy Malas is passionate about innovation and knowledge management as a vector of transformation of the healthcare system. Associate to the President and responsible of the Pole of innovation and artificial intelligence in Health at the Hospital Center of the University of Montreal. Kathy encourages open innovation with partners of all horizons to better respond to the health needs of patients and their families. Having obtained a graduate certificate at McGill University in Health Management and obtained her Master degree in Speech-Language Pathology at Université de Montréal, Kathy implements a strategy of innovation and IA, is a professional research in health innovation management research projects and facilitates community practices in this field. She deploys concrete mechanisms to foster a culture, an organization and open ecosystem of innovation to create value: improving health and well-being for all.
HE Denis Robert, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark
BA Political Science, Laval University, 1983; MSc Political Science, University of Montréal,1987 joined the Department of External Affairs in 1989 after working as a research associate at the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at Queen’s University. He served as second secretary (commercial-NAFTA) in Mexico City (1989 to 1993).
In 1996, he was seconded to the École nationale d’administration in Paris. In 1998, he participated in the diplomatic exchange program between the French and Canadian ministries of foreign affairs. He served as counsellor (commercial) in Paris (1998 to 2001), as head of the political section at the Mission to the European Union in Brussels (2004 to 2007) and as head of the political section at the embassy in Port-au-Prince (2007 to 2008). He was ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg (2012 to 2016). At Headquarters, he has served in the European Union Division (1993 to 1996), as deputy director of the Western Europe Division and as director of the Haiti Task Force (2008 to 2012). Most recently, he served as director of foreign policy research before his appointment as Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark in 2020.
Mr. Michael Willmott, Commercial Counsellor, Senior Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada to the Kingdom of Denmark
Michael Willmott is Counsellor (Commercial) and Senior Trade Commissioner at the Embassy of Canada to the Kingdom of Denmark. He and his team assists Canadian companies in building business and innovation partnerships in Denmark and helps Danish companies to discover Canada as their gateway to North America. Prior to arriving in Copenhagen in August 2019, Michael worked at the Mission of Canada to the European Union in Brussels to assist Canadian researchers and companies in pursuing collaborative research and innovation partnerships in Europe through EU programs. Michael’s previous experience includes trade policy at Global Affairs Canada and promoting foreign direct investment attraction and innovation for Canada in the United States (Consulate General of Canada in Minneapolis). Michael holds degrees in Economics and International Relations from the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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