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Event info
Date:21 May - 25 May
Venue:Favrholm, Novo Nordisk Campus, Roskildevej 58, 3400 Hillerød
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This is an external event. If you have any questions please follow the read more link and contact the organizer.

Conference: Stem Cell Niche

The aim of this conference is to provide an open and collaborative niche for the interaction of stem cell scientist in the broadest terms. This covers topics from early development, adult stem cells to clinical applications.

Date: 21st – 25th of May 2023
Venue: Favrholm, Novo Nordisk Campus, Roskildevej 58, 3400 Hillerød

How to apply? 
If you wish to attend our conference, you will need to apply and submit an abstract* in our application system Oxford Abstracts.
*If you are from industry or if, for another reason, it does not make sense for you to submit an abstract, you can apply with a motivation instead. Our scientific committee will evaluate your relevance for the conference based on your motivation.


All accepted participants will be expected to present a poster at the conference.

Abstract submission: 13 February 2023

Evaluation of incoming applications: Mid-March 2023

SHORT TALKS: Some applicants will be invited to give a short talk during the conference based on their submitted abstract. Selected applicants will be notified in April 2023.

Registration fee, accommodation and local costs for all approved applicants are covered by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Only travel expenses to and from the conference venue will be at your own expense. Travel grants may be awarded to applicants from under-resourced scientific environments. This means that the evaluation committee will consider the travel grant a prerequisite for participation.

For more practical details about the conferences, please click here.


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