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Event info
Date:18 Apr
Venue:Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen


Contact person
Katrine Brems Olsen

Katrine Brems Olsen

Network & Event Manager

+45 2337 0040

Driving innovation and Empowerment to Improve Women’s Health

Hologic and Medicon Valley Alliance invite you to join this meeting focusing on women’s health in the Nordics.

  • How can we tackle gender biases in medical education and research to develop a gender-based, personalized women’s healthcare?
  • How can AI and advanced imaging techniques contribute to the early detection of breast cancers that risk being missed with current screening programmes?
  • What can we do to alleviate reproductive problems? And what is the potential role of digital innovations in the management of women-specific conditions?

These are some of the topics that will be addressed by prominent speakers from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and, subsequently, discussed by a panel of policymakers.

We will also get to hear from the 3rd year results of the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index, the world’s most comprehensive globally comparative survey about women’s health.


Date: Thusday, 18th April, 2024
Time: 14:00 – 18:00
Venue: Medicon Valley Alliance, HUB3, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark – Auditorium


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14:00 Arrival, registration & networking
Katrine Brems Olsen, Head of Networks, Medicon Valley Alliance
Bjarne Schreiner, Regional Business Manager Diagnostics Nordics, Hologic
14:35 Year 3 results of the Global Women’s Health Index
Marie Emilsson, Senior Manager Market Access, Hologic
14:55 Tackling gender biases in medical education and research to develop a gender-based, personalized women’s healthcare
Nora Mork Østbø, Higher Executive Officer, Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services
15:15 Infertility – a couple issue where women could benefit from increased attention towards the man
Lærke Priskorn, Researcher. Department of Growth and Reproduction, Rigshospitalet
15:35 Coffee, cake and networking
AI and advanced imaging techniques for early detection of breast cancers that risk being missed with current screening programmes
Sophia Zackrisson, Professor of Diagnostic Radiology and Director of the Lund University Cancer Centre
16:25 The role of digital innovations in management of women specific conditions
Dr. Kia Lampi, OB-GYN and Co-Founder of Sisko
16:45 Panel discussion – From potentials and possibilities to policy and practice
Moderated by Keld Broksø

In the panel:

  • Lars Gaardhøj (S), Chairman of the Regional Council and of the Executive Committee, The Capital Region of Denmark
  • Maria Berglund (KD), Chair of the Skåne University Hospital Board
  • Carina Ohlsson (S), Member of the European Parliament
  • Preben Friis-Hauge (V), Member of the Danish Parliament and member of the Health Committee
17:15 Wrap up
17:20 Networking and drinks
18:00 End of meeting



Nora Mork Østbø is a Higher Executive Officer at the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. She has an educational background in Health Economics and Policy & Management studies at University Oslo where she also conducted research before joining the Ministry of Health and Care Services, originally serving on the Secretariat of the Women’s Health Commission.
Lærke Priskorn, reproductive epidemiologist at Department of Growth and Reproduction, working with fertility trends, infertility and male reproductive health, and part of the Danish-Swedish ReproUnion collaboration.
Sophia Zackrisson is a Professor of Diagnostic Radiology and the Director of the Lund University Cancer Centre. She is an award-winning researcher in the field of breast cancer screening, including the use of artificial intelligence and advanced imaging techniques. Sophia Zackrisson was the principal investigator of the internationally recognized Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial.
Kia Lampi earned her medical degree from the University of Helsinki and is a consultant specialized in obstetrics & gynaecology. She is also the founder of FemTech company Sisko, which provides a comprehensive tool designed to guide women through the perimenopausal stage by offering cycle and symptom tracking along with personalized information.
Lars Gaardhøj (S) is the regional council chairman in Region Hovedstaden, Denmark, since 2021. He was elected as a regional politician in 2009 and has since worked on health, education, environment, and traffic issues. He advocates for a healthcare system in Region Hovedstaden with free and equal access to high-quality treatment, where everyone is met with respect and dignity.
Maria Berglund (KD) was elected as the district chairman for the Christian Democrats in Skåne, Sweden, in 2022. She serves as the chairperson of the hospital board at SUS (the third largest hospital in Sweden) and is a substitute member in the health and medical care committee. Previously, she held the position of chairperson for the hospital board in Ängelholm.
Carina Ohlsson (S) is a Member of the European Parliament since 2022. She is a member of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM). She also serves as a substitute in, among others, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs (LIBE).
Preben Friis-Hauge (V) Member of the Danish Parliament and member of the Health Committee
Keld Broksø, moderator. Journalist with areas of expertise in life science, business life, foreign and international policies. Communications consultant for organisations and private companies and author of seven Danish novels.


Deadline for registration is 15th April

The MVA Women’s Health network
Joining the MVA Women’s Health Network is free of charge but is limited to Medicon Valley Alliance members. Non-member organizations and companies are welcome to attend one network event to evaluate the relevance in joining the network. For more information please contact Katrine Brems Olsen


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