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Date:17 Apr
Time:8:30 - 10:30
Venue:Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen S

EU grants: Big changes this year in the SME-instrument

The innovation companies’ favourite grant – the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument has undergone major changes in 2018. New possibilities have arisen.

The expert team behind Sweden’s most successful EU applications is now coming to Copenhagen to show you how to make the most of the new opportunities.

Medicon Valley Alliance and GAEU Consulting welcome you to a useful breakfast seminar. GAEU’s experts will guide you through the changes and the effects they may have on your organisation.

Mats Grahn, CEO at Immunovia which received 4,2 Million Euro for their Phase 2 project, will tell you all about how they succeeded as a project owner.

GAEU’s advisors will be available for one-on-one meetings to explore your organisation’s grant opportunities (booked in advance to

Date: Tuesday April 17th 2018
Time: 8:30 – 10:30
Venue: Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Alle 15 , 2300 Ørestad City, Copenhagen, Denmark, Ground floor




Registration & Coffee


Introduction to the world of grants – It is not as difficult as you think!
Jonathan Andersson from GAEU Consulting will show you the fast track to the EU funds


Case Study Immunovia – This is how we got our SME Instrument application approved
Mats Grahn, CEO at Immunovia will give you valuable insights and pointers from a project owner’s perspective


How to succeed within the Horizon 2020 SME-instrument in 2018
Dr Kamila Oglęcka from the GAEU Horizon 2020 Centre of Excellence will go through the major changes and offer their most important expert advice


Q & A


Pre-booked one-on-one meetings with GAEU’s advisors


Mats Grahn CEO, Immunovia

Mats brings more than 25 years experiences in senior leading positions within the life science and diagnostics industry. He contributes with an extensive experience in business and strategic development, marketing, product management, product development and market access. Mats has a track record of leading international commercial operational organizations, restructuring of marketing organizations, integration of acquired companies as well as managing new start-ups. Much of his experience comes from leadership in multinational management teams and organizations in Scandinavia, Europe, USA and Asia. Previous positions include CVP Marketing Dako A/S, VP Product Management GE Healthcare, VP Marketing Amersham Biosciences, VP Laboratory Separations Pharmacia Biotech and VP Prevas Bioinformatics. Mats Grahn holds a MSc in Engineering Physics from Lund University, Sweden.

Jonathan Andersson Regional Manager and EU Funding Advisor, GAEU

Jonathan is GAEU Consulting’s Regional Manager for South Sweden and Denmark. He has previously worked globally for the swedish industry and holds a MSc in Engineering from Chalmers Univeristy of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Kamila Oglęcka PH.D. in Biophysics and M.Sc in Biomolecular Chemistry, GAEU

Kamila is working as a Research and Innovation Funding Specialist at GAEU Horizon 2020 Centre of Excellence and has extensive experience in writing successful applications for Life Science companies including SenzaGen and Corline who both received 2,4 Million EUR.

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