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Event info
Date:13 Nov
Time:17:00 - 21:00
Venue:Medicon Village, Lund

Exploring Career Opportunities with Synapse – Lund edition

The life science sector around Øresund, named Medicon Valley, is an extremely vibrating area for students, however only a portion end up working as a research scientist in the industry. In fact most people end up in various exciting jobs such as IMP coordinator, drug safety advisor, QA specialist, management consultant etc.

The industry is filled with endless job positions and career paths, that we as students are not exposed to during our studies. Often it can be quite overwhelming as a fresh graduate to figure out what the different job titles actually entail on a day-to-day basis.

Therefore Synapse now invites life science students and newly graduates to explore the exciting career opportunities that lie ahead of you. We have invited speakers from different positions in the industry as well as Lund University to come and enlighten you on various career paths.

We have confirmed speakers from Medicon Valley Alliance, Alligator Bioscience, Novo Nordisk, Høiberg and Lund Innovation. The final program will be posted in week 45.

Application is open to all students, newly graduates and young professionals, from Lund as well as the Copenhagen area. Synapse does not cover transportation to Medicon Village.

Date: 13th of November 2017
Time: 17.00 – 21.00 (doors open at 16:45)
Where: Hörsalen, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, 223 63 Lund, Sverige


Participation is free*

Sign-up opens the 1st of Nov. First come, first serve. Limited number of seats

Food and beverages: There will be beverages and snacks throughout the event as well as sandwiches after the event.

*Application is open to all students (bachelor, master and PhD) from Lund as well as the Copenhagen area. Synapse does not cover transportation to Medicon Village.