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Event info
Date:06 Feb
Time:2 Days
Venue:Hamburg, Germany

HALOS Annual Meeting 2020

The Hanseatic League of Science (HALOS), invites you to participate in the HALOS Annual meeting on the 6th of February 2020 in Hamburg. 

Join us and take the chance to learn more about how your organization can benefit from the large facilities in the region! The meeting will have presentations and discussions from the Regional Development perspective, including Tech transfer, regional development strategies, and the soon to be in place `Science Cities´at Bahrenfeld, Hamburg and Brunnshög, Lund as well as presentations and discussions of life science projects using our large scale facilities. The meeting will include a networking session with posters from HALOS partner organizations with the opportunity to get involved in exciting life science projects using electrons, neutrons, synchrotron light and/or free electron laser light. 

Date: 6th & 7th of February 2020
Venue: Centre for Structural Systems Biology, building 15, Bahrenfeld Science Campus, Hamburg, Germany


The Meeting will be a forum for the Biotech, Medtech and Pharma industry, academia and regional development actors to discuss the global challenges of improving health and healthcare solutions while applying advanced techniques at our region’s unique large scale research infrastructures, ESS & MAX IV, DESY & European XFEL. 

Get involved now and be part of a new era for life science research and innovation in our region as well as globally!

The first HALOS Annual Meeting will be hosted by the Universität Hamburg.

On the 7th February there will be a half day Matchmaking Workshop organised by WP2-Cross Border Research, where researchers will have the chance to present their current projects and challenges and to seek expertise and advice from within the HALOS network on how to tackle them.

The HALOS Annual Meeting is financially supported by the University of Hamburg’s status as a University of Excellence.

Registration for both the Annual Meeting and the Matchmaking Workshop is free thanks the generous support of the Universität Hamburg and includes meals. In addition, we will provide a coach transfer to and from Lund and Copenhagen.

Want to know more about HALOS?

Visit the website.