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Event info
Date:16 Nov
Time:8:30 - 10:00
Venue:Københavns Erhvervshus , København V

How to hire the best with limited time and resources

FREE Talent recruitment event organized by Københavns Erhvervshus and Medicon Valley Alliance

Recruitment event: Barebones Recruitment – How to hire the best with limited time and resources

8.20- Breakfast & Registration
8.50 – Welcome from Medicon Valley Alliance
8.55 – Welcome from Københavns Erhvervshus
9.10 – Group discussion on Recruitment Challenges
9.20 –“Barebones Recruitment – How to hire the best with limited time and resources”, Adam Jones, Engineering Recruitment Manager for Unity Technologies

In the last 18 months Unity grew from 720 to 1,502 people globally, predominately in technical, hard to fill positions. This talk will focus on the 3 main areas that made recruiting the best people possible, quickly with limited budget and resources possible.

These are:

  • What to prepare before you start Recruiting. How to set yourself up for success and front-loading the recruitment process.
  • What are the key areas to focus on when you are Recruiting. What to prioritize, what to leave out and who to involve.
  • Onboarding new employees and preparing for success. What data to keep for your next position.

9.50 – Wrap up Q&A with Adam Jones, Unity Technologies, and Mihaela Negru, Københavns Erhvervshus

Date: 16th of November!
Time: 8.30-10.00
Place: Københavns Erhvervshus , Nyropsgade 1 , 1602 København V

Adam Jones is the Engineering Recruitment Manager for Unity Technologies leading their Recruitment Team in Denmark and helping build teams that will create emergent technologies such as VR and Machine Learning. He has worked for external Recruiting companies placing candidates at all levels with large technology and science clients internationally, internally with large corporations such as Maersk and also for complete start-up companies. His approach is agile and focuses on the core components that make modern recruitment work.

Mihaela Negru is Business Consultant at Københavns Erhvervshus, helping entrepreneurs start and grow their business. She is focused on partnerships for development, identifying companies interested.

If you would like to join the event, please contact:

Mihaela Negru
T: +45 2047 9755