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Event info
Date:07 Nov
Time:10:00 - 17:00
Venue:Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport

MVA Annual Summit 2022

Medicon Valley Alliance 25 years and beyond – Becoming EU’s strongest life science region

Over the last 25 years, the Medicon Valley region has grown to become one of Europe’s leading life science regions. With 65,000 life science jobs, 9 universities and 9 life science parks, incubators and accelerators across the region, it is drawing attention, talent, research and investment from all over the world.

Based on Medicon Valley Alliance’s 25 years of experience with innovative Danish-Swedish life science collaboration and private public partnerships, what would it take to raise the bar even further and solidify Medicon Valley as the European Union’s strongest life science region?

This key question and more will be addressed at the MVA Annual Summit 2022, where we invite local and international key stakeholders to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Danish-Swedish life science cluster organisation, Medicon Valley Alliance.


Date: Monday November 7th 2022
Time: 10:00 – 17:30
Venue: Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport, Ellehammersvej 20, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark



Click here for a gallery of photos from the Annual Summit.



Members of MVA and members of the press: Participation is free of charge for members of MVA and members of the press.



Non-members: Non members can join the Annual Summit 2022 for a participation fee of 3.995 DKK incl. VAT (approximately 540€):



Registration ends on November 3rd, 2022.

If you are considering becoming a member of Medicon Valley Alliance, you can find more information here or contact David Munis Zepernick, Head of Member Engagement and Communication ( or +45 2498 1668).





10:00 Registration and coffee
10:30 Welcome
Søren Bregenholt Chairman of the board, Medicon Valley Alliance / CEO, Alligator Bioscience


Past Present Future – the triple helix

10:40 State of Medicon Valley – Life science in Greater Copenhagen
Anette Steenberg CEO, Medicon Valley Alliance
10:55 Reflections on the past 25 years in Medicon Valley and where are we heading
Ebba Fåhraeus CEO, SmiLe Incubator
Magnus Schönning Programme Director, Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak
Erik Renström Vice-Chancellor, Lund University
Anette Steenberg CEO, Medicon Valley Alliance
Lars Gaardhøj Chairman of the Capital Region of Denmark


Investing in the future

11:30 The Wallenberg Foundations
Siv Andersson Professor and Director of Basic Research, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
11:45 The Novo Nordisk foundation
Søren Nedergaard Chief Operating Officer, Novo Nordisk Foundation
12:00 Discussion and Q&A
12:15 Lunch


The future in life science

This session will be moderated by Erik Renström, Vice-Chancellor, Lund University
13:15 Keynote speaker
Mikael Dolsten Chief Scientific Officer and President, Worldwide Research, Development and Medical, Pfizer, Inc.
13:45 Stem cell medicine
Kim B. Jensen PhD, Professor and Deputy Director, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW
14:00 Quantum physics used in drug development
Jan W. Thomsen Professor, Head of Department, Niels Bohr Institute
14:15 Discussion and Q&A
14:30 Coffee break


Stronger together

15:00 Reproductive health in Medicon Valley – 10 years of successful collaboration
Eva Hoffmann Professor & Head of Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Copenhagen
Sonja Jespersen Senior Scientific Director, RMMH, Global Pharmaceutical R&D, Ferring Pharmaceuticals
15:15 DiaUnion – screening for type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases in Medicon Valley
Flemming Pociot Professor, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
Maria Scherman PhD, MD, Lund University
15:30 Microbiome Research – creating a regional beacon
Ulrika Ringdahl Managing Director, Invest in Skåne
Asbjørn Overgaard CEO, Copenhagen Capacity
15.45  Discussion and Q&A


Keynote speaker

16.00 Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature’s Secrets to Longevity
Nicklas Brendborg

Nicklas Brendborg is MA in bio-technology from the University of Copenhagen and is considered one of the most promising research talents in his field. He is a best-selling author of Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature’s Secrets to Longevity.
16:40 Summary and Conclusion
Søren Bregenholt Chairman of the board, Medicon Valley Alliance / CEO, Alligator Bioscience
16:45 Networking – Wine and Snacks



Lene Johansen



Søren Bregenholt
Chairman of the board Medicon Valley Alliance
CEO, Alligator Bioscience
Anette Steenberg
Medicon Valley Alliance
Nicklas Brendborg
Author and Keynote speaker

Lars Gaardhøj
Capital Region of Denmark
Magnus Schönning 
Programme Director
Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak
Ebba Fåhraeus
SmiLe Incubator
Siv Andersson
Professor and Director of Basic Research
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Søren Nedergaard
Chief Operating Officer
Novo Nordisk Foundation
Erik Renström
Lund University
Mikael Dolsten
Chief Scientific Officer and President
Worldwide Research, Development and Medical of Pfizer, Inc.
Kim B. Jensen
PhD, Professor and Deputy Director
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW
Jan W. Thomsen
Professor, Head of Department
Niels Bohr Institute
Ulrika Ringdahl
Managing Director
Invest in Skåne
Asbjørn Overgaard
Copenhagen Capacity
Eva Hoffmann
Professor, Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
University of Copenhagen

Sonja Jespersen
Senior Scientific Director, RMMH, Global Pharmaceutical R&D
Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Flemming Pociot
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen
Maria Scherman   
Lund University




Do you want to become a sponsor of the Annual Meeting? Contact David Zepernick, or (+45) 24 98 16 68.



MVA’s Annual Summit is the annual flagship event of Medicon Valley Alliance. We invite prominent regional, national and international speakers to address key topics such as life science innovation, commercialization of R&D, public private partnerships, talent attraction and other issues of importance for the realization of our vision for the Medicon Valley cluster.

Last year’s annual meeting titled “Accelerating growth in Medicon Valley – Bridging Science, Innovation and Healthcare”, was attended by 250+ prominent regional life science stakeholders.