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Event info
Date:12 Sep


Welcome to the MVA Oncology Network!

Several members of Medicon Valley Alliance working with oncology have aired an interest in a forum for more specific professional and social networking within oncology. A group of members decided to explore this interest further and the idea of an MVA Oncology Network was born!

The idea is to initiate an oncology network focusing on best practice, experience and current challenges for public-private collaboration and the commercialization of oncology related R&D in the Medicon Valley region. The plan is for the network to consist of professors, PI and corporate level executives from the regional oncology eco-system. Membership is limited to Medicon Valley Alliance members only, but non-member organizations and companies are welcome to attend one network event to evaluate if a membership of the network is relevant. If so, becoming a member of Medicon Valley Alliance will automatically able you to join the oncology network.

Medicon Valley Alliance has agreed to facilitate such a network and to a certain extent provide the logistic and secretarial support, if a sufficient number of members decided to pursue the idea and join the “Medicon Valley Alliance Oncology Network”. The plan is for the network to meet two-three times a year and with agendas to be decided on an ongoing basis by the network participants. As a rule, the meetings will be hosted by the members of the network, and on special occasions by Medicon Valley Alliance. It is the ambition that the meetings will be hosted evenly on Danish and Swedish venues. The language will be Danish, Swedish and or English depending on the participants and presentations. 

Medicon Valley Alliance, together with two of our members – University of Copenhagen and Lund University, now invites you to the MVA Oncology Network kick-off meeting:

 12 September 2016
Time: 17:00 – 20:00
Host: Prof. Nils Brünner, University of Copenhagen
Venue: Victor Haderup Auditoriet, Copenhagen University, Nørre Allé 20, Building 20.1, 2200 København N
Cost: Free of charge for MVA members

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17:00-17:30 Registration, networking and a bite to eat – meet the fellow participants
17:30-17.35 Welcome
Carl Borrebaeck, Prof., CREATE Health, Lund University
Nils Brünner, Prof., University of Copenhagen
Petter Hartman, CEO, Medicon Valley Alliance
17:35-17.50 Short presentation of attendees
17:50-18.05 “Who are we?” 2 x 5 minutes corporate presentations
Eva Dahlén, Senior Director Business Development, Alligator Bioscience AB
David Liberg, Vice President Cancer Research, Cantargia AB
18:05-18:15 Introduction of keynote speaker and theme of the event
Nils Brünner, Prof., University of Copenhagen
18:15-19:15 Keynote speaker and Q&A
“How did Roche become the most successful Pharma Company within cancer treatment?”
Rajji Mehdwan, Product Strategy Director, Roche A/S
19:15-19:30 News for the network – mutual exchange of news, events, challenges etc.
19:30-20:00 Networking and a light snack

Next meeting
Are you interested in being the host of a coming MVA Oncology Network meeting?
Please contact Helen Pettersson:

In collaboration

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