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Event info
Date:08 Jan
Time:14:00 - 16:00
Venue:Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen S

New Year's Reception

How far are we, what is the future and the potential for the Danish-Swedish regional collaboration, in general and in Medicon Valley in particular?

“Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future”

as painter, author, artist and inventor Storm P. is quoted for saying.

We at Medicon Valley Alliance recognize the truth behind the quote, but at our New Year’s Reception, we will anyhow take a chance at it. Consequently, we have invited multidisciplinary public figure, author, futurologist and long-standing analyst and commentator on regional collaboration, Uffe Palludan, who will deliver this year’s New Years speech with the title:

“Tilbage til fremtiden – Øresund tur-retur”

Date: Friday, January 8th, 2016
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 Copenhagen S, lobby

We hope to see existing and future MVA members, decision makers and everybody else with an interest in the future of Medicon Valley, for a glass of Cava and some tapas to welcome a hopefully prosperous New Year in Medicon Valley.




Uffe Paludan

 Uffe Palludan 

Futurologist, Author and public debater.

He has written several books about the Øresundregion:

(“Danmark og Sverige, danskere og svenskere”“Ukendt hav” – Østersøregionen“Metropol Øresund” etc.).