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Event info
Date:25 Sep
Time:12:30 - 17:00
Venue:Medicon Valley Alliance (HubNordic) – Auditorium, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 Kbh. S (Ørestad)
Contact person
Katrine Brems Olsen

Katrine Brems Olsen

Network & Event Manager

+45 2337 0040

Non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancer

A joint meeting of the CINDIS project and the MVA Oncology Network

Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA) and the Consortium for Intelligent Diagnostics of Skin Cancer (CINDIS) have the pleasure of inviting you to a joint CINDIS Symposium and MVA Oncology Network meeting about non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancers.

It is difficult to diagnose skin cancers and non-cancer spots with high precision, meaning that some go undiagnosed, while others receive unnecessary surgery or treatment. A diagnostic method that is both precise, reliable and non-invasive would therefore be of great value for patients and clinicians. This meeting will address clinical and technological aspects of non-invasive diagnosis, present initial results from the CINDIS pre-project (which has started addressing a non-invasive method), and highlight existing collaborative efforts in Sweden and Denmark, before closing off with perspectives for the coming years.

The mini-symposium is open for everyone interested in biomarker- or imaging-based diagnosis of skin cancers, whether from a clinical, academic or industrial perspective. Participation is free, but registration is required – please use the sign-up button below.

The meeting is jointly organized by the CINDIS project and the MVA Oncology Network. Please see further below for more information about the network and about the project.

Date: 25 September 2023
12.30 – 17.00
Auditorium, Arne Jacobsens Alle 15 (near Ørestad station), 2300 Copenhagen S



12.30 – 13.00 Arrival, registration and networking
Light lunch and drinks
13.00 – 13.15 Opening and welcome
Anette Steenberg, CEO, Medicon Valley Alliance.
Stephan Bouman, CINDIS project manager, Medicon Valley Alliance.
The need for non-invasive diagnostics for better clinical management of skin cancer; Chris Anderson, Dept. of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Linköping University
13.15 – 13.45 Noninvasive diagnosis: Biomarkers
Metabolic biomarkers relevant for non-invasive skin cancer monitoring; Tautgirdas Ruzgas, Biofilms Research Center for Biointerfaces, Malmö University.
Identification of cutaneous malignant melanoma using tape strip derived RNA; Peter Alshede Philipsen, Dept. of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital.
13.45 – 14.45 Noninvasive diagnosis: Imaging
Characterization of keratinocytic lesions with LC-OCT; Kevin Jacobsen, Dept. of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital.
Non-invasive imaging of pigmented lesions; Mette Mogensen, Dept. of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital.
Photoacoustic imaging as a method to detect and outline skin tumors; Malin Malmsjö, Lund University Photoacoustic Center
Current product types and innovation trends in skin cancer imaging; Jon Holmes, Michelson Diagnostics Ltd. (UK)
14.45 – 15.15 Coffee break and networking
15.15 – 15.45 The CINDIS preproject
Biomarkers on the surface of melanoma; Skaidre Jankovskaja, Biofilms Research Center for Biointerfaces, Malmö University
15.45 – 16.15 Future perspectives and wrap-up
Moderator: Stephan Bouman, Medicon Valley Alliance
Existing research initiatives in Sweden & Denmark; Kari Nielsen (BioMEL study, Lund University) and Merete Hædersdal (Danish Research Center for Skin Cancer)
Collaborating across borders (joint discussion with speakers and audience)
Q&A and wrap-up
16.15 – 17.00 Networking and snacks

Deadline for registration is 20 September 2023

As this is a joint meeting of the CINDIS project and the MVA Oncology Network, the meeting is open for all interested. For questions and practical matters please contact Katrine Brems Olsen ( For information about the program or the CINDIS project, please contact Stephan Bouman (


The CINDIS project

CINDIS is a consortium working on a non-invasive way of extracting from the skin certain biological molecules that are related to the development of skin cancer. If it can be shown that different combinations of these molecules’ occurrence are unique to different types or stages of skin cancer, then the method will in the future be able to provide an accurate and non-invasive diagnosis of whether the patient has skin cancer or not, as well as what type or stage of skin cancer.

The current pre-project is a feasibility study to test the sampling method in the clinic in patients with skin cancer – to confirm that the sampling method can be included in the routine clinical procedures, and that analysis of the samples can detect skin cancer – and if so, to prepare for a larger project.

The project team consist of researchers at Malmö University, skin cancer clinicians at Lund University and Bispebjerg Hospital, project management at Medicon Valley Alliance, and further advisors at Linköping and Copenhagen universities. The CINDIS pre-project and this symposium are co-funded by the EU through Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak.

The MVA network

MVA Oncology Network is a professional and social network for professors, PIs and corporate level executives from the regional oncology eco-system. The network focuses on best practice, experience and current challenges for public-private collaboration and the commercialization of oncology related R&D in the Medicon Valley region.

Joining the network is free of charge and is limited to Medicon Valley Alliance members only. However, non-member organizations and companies are welcome to attend one network event to evaluate if joining the network is relevant. If so, becoming a member of Medicon Valley Alliance will automatically allow you to join the oncology network.


In collaboration with