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Event info
Date:22 Oct
Time:16:30 - 20:00
Venue:COBIS, Copenhagen N

Refresh #18 in Copenhagen

Copenhagen get ready! 🚲 🚲 🚲

Named the happiest city in the world, Copenhagen is not only known for its sustainable development but has also seen the rise of its biotech industry. With a strong focus in areas like cancer and diabetes, as well as lots of activities in industrial biotech, the city has become one of the most exciting startup scenes in Europe and has nourished some of the most promising companies like Novo Nordisk, Genmab and Novozymes.

…and the good news is:
Refresh is finally coming to Copenhagen, for the very first time!

This time we are welcoming 70 of our readers to join us. Participants will get a priority spot that allows you to meet brilliant biotech professionals, get inspired by amazing talks, and enjoy a cosy and relaxing evening with free beers and a friendly networking vibe. If you wish to attend, please RSVP ‘YES’ to this event or join our membership to secure a place!

Co-hosted by BioInnovation Institute & Medicon Valley Alliance and sponsored by NIBC.

Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Time: 16:30 – 20:00
Venue: BioInnovation Institute, Ole Maaløes Vej 3, DK 2200 Copenhagen N · Copenhagen


The registration is open and we encourage you to sign up as early as possible due to the limited spots, or join Labiotech Insider Program to secure a place as a member! 😊


Mai-Britt Zocca, CEO and founder of IO Biotech

Mai-Britt Zocca has more than 15 years of experience in the field of translational medicine with strong entrepreneurship skills and insights into immuno-oncology. She has participated in founding and co-founding a number of biotech spinouts and has held several executive positions and served on the Board in companies such as OncoNOx, LevOss and VAR2 Pharmaceuticals. She is also an inventor of several patents, and has been involved in many clinical studies for the development of immunotherapies for cancer.

Zocca holds a PhD in tumor immunology and a MSc. in Biochemistry. She received her degree from the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Immunology at University of Copenhagen and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of NIH in Maryland, USA.

Nanna Lüneborg, Partner of Novo Ventures

Before joining Novo Ventures in 2016, Nanna Lüneborg spent four years at Novo Holdings where she helped build a strong portfolio of seed and Series A stage companies, primarily in Scandinavia. She led the initial investments and served on the Boards of IO Biotech, MinervaX, and Pcovery, and as an Observer with Forendo and Galecto. She now serves on the Boards of companies such as Epsilon-3 Bio, Orphazyme and Inventiva.

Nanna received her PhD in Neuroscience from University College London as a Wellcome Trust Scholar. She holds an MBA with distinction from University of Cambridge, where she was a Sainsbury Scholar, and a 1st class BA from University of Oxford.


16:30-17:00: Door open & Welcome

17:00-17:20: Intro by Labiotech

17:20-18:00: 1st Fireside chat with Mai-Britt Zocca, CEO of IO Biotech

18:00-18:40: 2nd Fireside chat with Nanna Lüneborg, Partner of Novo Ventures

18:40-20:00: Enjoy beers, snacks, and networking