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Event info
Date:31 Mar
Time:All day
Venue:Medicon Village, Lund

The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science 2016

How can we streamline the Nordic Life Science Ecosystem?

Medicon Village, Lund, March 31st, 2016

How do we initialize cross-border partnerships between pharma, biobanking and healthcare? What roles will clinics and health organizations, academy and industry have in making this a reality? An inventory is needed to create a shared vision of how a triple-helix approach can be developed, leading to innovative processes and personalized solutions. How can we get a closer collaboration between Swedish & Danish Life Science? How can the Nordic Region reach its full potential to become a European first-class innovation example using a world class research infrastructure and outstanding talents?

Some 40 exhibitors and 350 visitors are expected at this annual international networking forum organized by Kemivärlden Biotech/Journal of Chemistry & Biotechnology, Medicon Village and Medicon Valley Allliance. The target audience are decision makers in the pharma, biotech, medtech and healthcare sectors, R&D-­persons from the industry and academia. Other targeted groups are investors, authorities and politicians. New for this fifth edition of the event is that partnering meetings will be facilitated by our one-to-one meeting partnering software available for all delegates at The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science. We charge no entry fee and will provide lunch and refreshments. The day will be covered by the press.

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Among the speakers are:

Petter-Hartman Back to the Future – a regional Swedish-Danish life science adventure
Petter Hartman, CEO Medicon Valley Alliance
Aleksander-Giwercman Research and clinical excellence in the Öresund region – when size matters
Aleksander Giwercman, Lund University
 Tony-Jones  Stimulating growth of the sector: Observations from the UK
Tony Jones, One Nucleus

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