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Annual Summit 2023 – meet our keynote speaker!

The global life sciences industry will be unrecognizable in 10 years’ time, as drug development, advanced manufacturing, supply chains, regulations and patient delivery all respond to an explosion of data and new demands for hyper-personalization.

Cognizant* commissioned Economist Impact to conduct a survey of 2,000 senior executives from across industries and geographies, including 250 in the life sciences industry. Using data from this Economist Impact study, Cognizant has mapped out a path for life sciences organizations to become future-ready between now and 2035.**

Our Keynote Speaker David Staunton will draw from these findings in his Keynote address, as he delves into AI’s monumental impact on the Life Science Industry.  With hands-on experience from intimate partnerships with leading Tier 1 Pharma Companies, David unveils the revolutionary shifts AI brings to the very economics of medicine creation.  Discover the groundbreaking advances that are setting new standards for rapid product launches, data driven predictive analytics and unmatched operational efficiency.  It’s not just a glimpse into the future – it’s an insight into the new normal.

*Cognizant is an multi-national company Headquartered in New Jersey, US and employes overall 345,000 people. Cognizant Health Science division employs 80,000 people of which 37,000 are within life science. Cognizant partners with 30 of the top 30 Phama & Biotech companies and 12 of the top 15 Medtech companies globally.

**The report will be made available at the Annual Summit

Key Note speaker bio

David Staunton (BEng Hons. Aerospace, MSc Project Management)

Industry Transformation Leader – Cognizant Life Sciences

An innovator in the Life Science Industry, David recognizes the transformative potential of AI, heralding it as a game changer in areas from drug discovery to operational efficiency and ESG. Transforming the economics of making medicine, David brings a practical and contemporary approach from this close collaborations with Tier 1 pharma companies that are steering the sector towards a future where accelerated launch, predictive analytics, and unparalleled efficiency are the norm.

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