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Medicon Valley Alliance Women’s Health Network

Contact person

Katrine Brems Olsen

Katrine Brems Olsen

Network & Event Manager

+45 2337 0040


Women’s Health has for a long time been under-prioritised. One half of the world’s population is women. Yet remarkably, only 1% of healthcare research and innovation is invested in specific female conditions beyond oncology. Women’s health is so much more than just reproduction. At Medicon Valley Alliance, we want to take the broader approach into account. When we want to put a focus on women’s health, we include both female-specific conditions, whether tied to women’s reproduction or some other facet of women’s biology, AND women’s general health conditions that may affect women differently or disproportionately.

With this Women’s Health network Medicon Valley Alliance want to gather our members from industry, academia and the public sector who are or want to be engaged in this agenda to knowledge-share, create partnership and advocate for more focus, research funding, investments in start-ups, etc on Women’s Health.

Women’s Health Network, which in future will go in depth with some of the under-exposed and under-prioritized areas such as:

  • Under-representation of women’s participation in clinical studies (cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, etc.) – and hence lack of knowledge about symptoms, late and incorrect diagnosis, wrong dosage of medicine and wrong treatment – as well as lack of knowledge in prevention.
  • Lack of medical equipment, implants etc. designed to women’s bodies.
  • Specific female conditions (endometriosis, infertility, osteoporosis, menopause etc.).
  • General lack of knowledge of, focus and research funds, entrepreneurs/start-ups and investors within the entire area.

Our vision is to make Medicon Valley an attractive hub for research and development of medicine and equipment adapted to women’s biology and bodies, as well as to create an attractive eco-system for entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and other talents in this field. Altogether, something that will create a virtuous circle and a strong life science eco-system – also within women’s health.


The network meets twice a year and with agendas to be decided on an ongoing basis by the network participants. As a rule, the meetings will be hosted by the members of the network, and on special occasions by Medicon Valley Alliance. It is the ambition that the meetings will be hosted evenly on Danish and Swedish venues.


Joining the network events is free of charge and is limited to Medicon Valley Alliance members only.

Want to know more about the MVA Women’s Health Network? Please contact Katrine Brems Olsen:


You can find a list of the MVA Women’s Health Network events here.