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LINXS Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science invites new Themes

LINXS (a university Centre hosted at Lund University working to promote science and education focusing on use of neutrons and x-rays in research and development, and help educate potential users of ESS, MAX IV and other major research infrastructures to enable ground-breaking research) invites proposals for new Themes, starting in 2026. We welcome original, innovative, and pioneering Theme proposals that will advance science using X-rays, neutrons, and complementing techniques.

LINXS Themes are funded for three years and aim to bring research communities together. A Theme does not fund research per se but facilitates research by bringing together active teams focusing on specific subtopics in the form of Working Groups.

LINXS welcomes applications for Themes from everywhere. To lead a Theme, a commitment of resources from the host organization of the Theme leader is required. Anyone with a tenure, tenure-track, or relevant long-term position can apply as the lead applicant for a Theme.

 Deadline: 2025-01-31, 17:00 PM CET

Read more and apply from the LINXS Theme call site

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