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The MVA Ambassadors are coming to Medicon Valley

The MVA Ambassadors in Japan and the US will be in Medicon Valley February 23-27.
Take the chance to discuss your upcoming or ongoing international activities with them and get their take on how they can add value to your processes.

Please contact Ann-Sofie Andersson, Senior Product Manager to book a non-committing meeting (+45 2371 5605,

The Ambassadors have access to a unique set of connections and insights on three very interesting markets:

Peter T billede

The pharmaceutical industry is dominated by Japanese players who need to strengthen their pipeline for the future and are opening up to opportunities outside of Japan. The challenge of the growing elderly population in Japan is also creating new opportunities for smart solutions that enable the healthcare system to efficiently and cost effectively manage these elderly, and often multi-diagnosis, patients. The challenge in Japan can be getting visibility in what is going on and getting in touch with the right people inside Japanese institutions. Peter can help you in showing what opportunities there and connect you to the right people in Japan and support in lowering the cultural and language barrier to ensure long lasting relationships.

US East Coast

The Boston/Cambridge area is, in many respects, the epicenter of life sciences, given the region’s high concentration of Big Pharma, Big Biotech, contract research organizations, startups, entrepreneurs, business/lab incubators, investors, research universities and hospitals. Important to point out is also that there is, from Maine to Florida, a plethora of high quality universities, research institutes and life sciences companies, both startups and established firms, and expert consultants, with several small clusters regions along the way. Roger can assist you in exploring the many opportunities on the East Coast US – for example scouting new science/technology, identification of appropriate partners and serving as “boots on the ground” interim business development executive.

US West Coast

San Diego offers a thriving eco system consisting of traditional biotech, medical device, diagnostics and technology companies whilst San Francisco, the birthplace of biotech, is unique in the sense that it offers unequaled access to the people behind biotech: the venture capitalists, the legal experts, and the scholars who are leading life science development for the world. California is one of the most talent intense locations in the world with major academic institution and research institutions like e.g. Berkeley, Stanford, Universities of California (UCLA, UCSF & UCSD) and Caltech. California is also the king of venture capital: Of the $21.6 billion of venture capital (VC) investment worldwide, $9 billion, or 41.6%, went into 374 deals in what is referred to as the San Francisco Bay Area. Thomas can assist you in exploring the many opportunities on the US West Coast – for example identification of appropriate partners, assisting in relationship building and accessing both talent and capital.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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