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Women are underrepresented in clinical trails – DA & SE opinion pieces by Marianne Pilgaard CEO Trial Nation, Anette Steenberg, CEO Medicon Valley Alliance and Stefan Jovinge, President of Research and Education at Scania University Hospitals

Marianne Pilgaard CEO Trial Nation, Anette Steenberg, CEO Medicon Valley Alliance and Stefan Jovinge, President of Research and Education at Scania University Hospitals have joined forces to highlight a challenge and initiate a discussion about gender equality in clinical trials.

Consequently, we are happy to introduce you to the joint opinion pieces in Danish Daily Information and Swedish Dagens Nyheter published last week. Enjoy the reading!

If you are curious to learn more about Medicon Valley Alliance´s Women´s Health Network mentioned, feel free to reach out to MVA CEO Anette Steenberg,

Women in clinical trails was the subject of the Medicon Valley Alliance´s Women´s Health network Meeting 5th of March – see full programme and conference video.

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