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Mia Ritterband-Rosenbaum

Mia Ritterband-Rosenbaum

Event Manager & PA to CEO

+45 21 63 38 88

MVA’s calendar provides you with an overview of life science events and courses taking place in Medicon Valley. To stay updated on life science events and courses relevant for you and your colleagues, sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter MVA Update which lists all upcoming events and courses or subscribe to our Event RSS Feed.

MVA Event – Good morning meeting
21 Apr 2016
8:30 - 10:00 / Medeon Science Park, Malmö

Ökad samverkan över sundet, Köpenhamn & Malmö Medeon Science Park & MVA Medicon Valley Alliance bjuder in till frukostmöte. Varmt välkomna till ett frukostmöte där ni möter Medeons CEO Ulf Andersson som kommer att berätta om Medeons strategi 2016 och tankar på närmare samverkan över sundet och nya former för samarbeten med akademin. Ni får […]

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MVA Event
19 Apr 2016
17:00 - 18:00 / MVA, Copenhagen S

MEMBERS OF MEDICON VALLEY ALLIANCE ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 2016 Date: Tuesday April 19th, 2016Time: 17.00-18.00 (followed by drinks and tapas)Venue: Auditorium at Arne Jacobsens Allé 15-17, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark Documents for the Ordinary General Meeting: Convening Notice Ordinary General Meeting 2016 Annual Report 2015 Power of Attorney – Ordinary General Meeting 2016 Bylaws Drinks […]

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MVA Event
13 Apr 2016
Two days / Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, Copenhagen

The digital revolution has changed the convention of business across all industries. The Pharma industry is also faced with new ways to market products and new channels to interact with doctors, patients and other stakeholders. Those who understand how to use technology, not only to produce better molecules, but also to improve the business model, […]

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MVA Event
31 Mar 2016
All day / Medicon Village, Lund

How can we streamline the Nordic Life Science Ecosystem? Medicon Village, Lund, March 31st, 2016 How do we initialize cross-border partnerships between pharma, biobanking and healthcare? What roles will clinics and health organizations, academy and industry have in making this a reality? An inventory is needed to create a shared vision of how a triple-helix […]

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MVA Event
30 Mar 2016
09:00 - 16:30 / MVA, Copenhagen S

Formulation and bioavailability are critical steps in the development process of new effective drugs. One reason for failure in clinical trials might be explained by poor formulation and bioavailability properties of the drug. Meet R&D people, the pharma industry, increase your awareness and gain more knowledge about these topics at this meeting featureing about 100 […]

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MVA Event
30 Mar 2016
12:00 - 16:30 / Medeon Science Park, Malmö

  We are sorry to inform you that due to multiple unforeseen issues with our speaker availability, we have had to postpone this event indefinitely. We apologize, as we know that many of you were planning to attend this event to learn more about how human immune system engrafted mice are revolutionizing the fields of […]

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MVA Event
08 Mar 2016
8:30 - 10:00 / Ideon Agora, Lund

Lund Life Science Incubator and Ideon Meeting invites you to a free breakfast meeting with an introduction to the Swedish-Danish life science cluster organization, Medicon Valley Alliance. What is a life science organization? Why does Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA) exist? How do they facilitate value-creating networking, partnerships and collaborations? How can your company benefit from […]

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MVA Event
02 Mar 2016
8:30 - 12:30 / MVA, Copenhagen S

Spend the day networking and learning from OBLON’s experts! We are pleased to invite you to this Boost seminar, hosted by Medicon Valley Alliance, on the themes: • Changes in the USA patent laws that are critical for European companies (biotech, medtech, universities, research institutes)• Better, faster, inexpensive USA patents and compact prosecution• Post-grant proceedings as true […]

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MVA Event
08 Jan 2016
14:00 - 16:00 / Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen S

How far are we, what is the future and the potential for the Danish-Swedish regional collaboration, in general and in Medicon Valley in particular? “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future” as painter, author, artist and inventor Storm P. is quoted for saying. We at Medicon Valley Alliance recognize the truth behind the quote, […]

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MVA Event
16 Nov 2015
12:00 - 18:30 / Hilton Copenhagen Airport

Meet and greet some of the key life science stakeholders and political decision-makers at Medicon Valley Alliances annual meeting 16th November at Hilton Copenhagen Airport “Economic growth – it´s not that complicated” is the title of Deputy chairman of Folketingets business, Growth and Export committee, Joachim B. Olsen (Liberal Alliance) presentation. Is he right or […]

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MVA Event
10 Nov 2015
8:30 - 10:30 / MVA, Ørestaden

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme Reduce Complexity – Ensure Safety . At this Good Morning Meeting the experts from Packaging Coordinators, Inc. (PCI) will address the complexity of working with more challenging therapies and demonstrate how to reduce the complexity whilst constantly ensuring the safety […]

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MVA Event
06 Nov 2015
08:30 - 10:00 / Medicon Village, Lund

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme Valuation of Patents.
We provide practical examples of calculations for use when initiating negotiations, as well as real-life experiences of negotiating the value..

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MVA Event
05 Nov 2015
8:30 - 10:00 / MVA, Ørestaden

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme Valuation of Patents. How do you deal with valuating patents and companies in transfers and licensing? We provide practical examples of calculations for use when initiating negotiations, as well as real-life experiences of negotiating the value.

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MVA Event
19 Oct 2015
9.30 - 12.30 / Medicon Village, Lund

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme: Trends in Outsourcing – The Changing face of Pharmaceutical discovery and Development A collaborative CRO approach An opportunity to learn about new trends across pharmaceutical discovery and development, as well as discuss the future of outsourcing with a leading group […]

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MVA Event
08 Oct 2015
All day / Copenhagen, Denmark

Fit for Health 2.0 in collaboration with Medicon Valley Alliance, ScanBalt Bioregion and the IPR-helpdesk is organizing an international strategy development training, with a focus on innovative business solutions and smart financing. The training is tailored to senior executive representatives of high-tech / research intensive SMEs of all health-related sectors (incl. pharma, biotech, med-tech, therapeutics, diagnostics, e-health, high-end research services etc.) who see clear growth potential, and who have not completed their product/services development yet.

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MVA Event
23 Sep 2015
8:30-10:00 / Ørestaden

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme: Freedom to Operate How to effectively conduct a FTO analysis including a discussion of options for clearing the path in both Europe and the US For any company working at the leading edge of technology it is essential to […]

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MVA Event
14 Sep 2015
17:00 - 18:00 / Ørestaden, Denmark

Members of Medicon Valley Alliance are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting 2015 Date: Monday September 14th, 2015Time: 17.00-18.00 (followed by drinks)Venue: Auditorium at Arne Jacobsens Allé 15-17, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark Documents for the Extraordinary General Meeting 2015: Convening Notice Extraordinary General Meeting 2015 Power of Attorney – Extraordinary General Meeting 2015 Bylaws   Drinks After the Ordinary General Meeting, […]

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MVA Event
04 Sep 2015
15:00 - 17:00 / Ørestaden

Medicon Valley Alliance inviterer medlemmer og venner af organisationen til afskedsreception for vores afgående direktør, Stig Jørgensen.

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MVA Event
28 Jun 2015
All day / Gotland, Sweden

Medicon Valley Alliance are once more present at the annual Aledalsvecka 2015! Almedalsveckan have been arranged on Gotland for over forty years. Through democracy and openness the week gives anyone who wants to debate social issues an opportunity to participate. All events during the week are free and open to all. The parliamentary political parties is the core of Almedalsveckan. Their participation in seminars, press conferences and speeches from Almedalen forms the base of the week.

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MVA Event
12 Jun 2015
09:00 - 10:00 / Bornholm, Denmark

The purpose of the 4 day long meeting is to strengthen the dialoge concenring democracy in Denmark. This is done by creating new surroundings for the decision makers in the business community, interest groups, politicians, EU, municipalities, and regions. This also accomplished by providing the citizens with an opportunity to meet the decision makers face to face.

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MVA Event
26 May 2015
9:00 / Copenhagen Bio Science Park

Life sciences companies continue to demonstrate their ability to survive and thrive amidst periods of economic recession, health care spending cutbacks, geographic market swings and changing population profiles. Adaptation has been key to survival for this rather resilient sector. This talk will focus on the current state of the life sciences sector; and trends impacting […]

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MVA Event
21 May 2015
8.30 - 10.00 / Lund, Sweden

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme Due Diligence and the Dangers of Cutting Corners. Whether you are preparing for a license agreement, an investment round or a sale/acquisition, your company should be prepared to face or conduct an IP Due Diligence. Learn about the steps of an […]

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MVA Event
19 May 2015
8.30 - 10.00 / Ørestaden, Denmark

We are pleased to invite you to Medicon Valley Alliance’s Good Morning Meeting on the theme Due Diligence and the Dangers of Cutting Corners. Whether you are preparing for a license agreement, an investment round or a sale/acquisition, your company should be prepared to face or conduct an IP Due Diligence. Learn about the steps of an […]

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MVA Event
07 May 2015
8.30 - 10.00 / Malmö, Sweden

Get updated on recent events and find out how you can benefit from your MVA membership!  Do you want to get a better insight on MVA? Come and discuss your opportunities with us. This meeting is an excellent opportunity for you to meet and network with MVA members.

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MVA Event
22 Apr 2015
17:00 to 18:00 / Ørestad, Denmark

Members of Medicon Valley Alliance are invited to attend the Ordinary General Meeting 2015. The Ordinary General Meeting is followed by tapas at the MVA premises.

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